Oleh: evinovi | November 30, 2010

Is English difficult?

The answer depends on your own perception. For me, because I like learning English, I don’t think that this international language is difficult. Yes, there were times when I got confused with grammar, vocabularies and pronunciation. That’s some of the challenges that I faced during my early years in learning English. I still make grammatical mistakes therefore, I keep on studying English. If you feel that English is difficult to master, you need to share the burden with other English learners. They will encourage you to keep on moving ahead and become successful English speaker. Baca Selengkapnya..

Oleh: evinovi | April 28, 2010


Difficulty identifying common smells such as lemon, banana and cinnamon may be the first sign of Alzheimer’s disease, according to a study that could lead to scratch-and-sniff tests to determine a person’s risk for the progressive brain disorder. Baca Selengkapnya..

Oleh: evinovi | April 28, 2010

Procedure Text.pdf

For further information click here

Oleh: evinovi | April 28, 2010

Pengaturan dan pengelolaan Kelas

For further information click here

Oleh: evinovi | April 22, 2010

adjective Clauses

for further information click here

Oleh: evinovi | April 7, 2010

Cerita Seekor keledai

Cerita Seekor Keledai

Suatu hari keledai milik seorang petani jatuh ke dalam sumur.Hewan itu menangis dengan memilukan selama berjam-jam semetara si petani memikirkan apa yang harus dilakukannya. Akhirnya, Ia memutuskan bahwa hewan itu sudah tua dan sumur juga perlu ditimbun (ditutup – karena berbahaya);jadi tidak berguna untuk menolong si keledai. Dan ia mengajak tetangga-tetangganya untuk datang membantunya Baca Selengkapnya..

Oleh: evinovi | Desember 4, 2009

Aksiologi: Nilai Kegunaan Ilmu


A. Pendahuluan
Ilmu merupakan sesuatu yang paling penting bagi manusia, karena dengan ilmu semua keperluan dan kebutuhan manusia bisa terpenuhi secara cepat dan mudah. Dan merupakan kenyataan yang tak dapat dimungkiri bahwa peradaban manusia sangat berhutang pada ilmu. Baca Selengkapnya..

Oleh: evinovi | Desember 4, 2009

Skimming for Main Idea

Skimming for Main Idea

A paragraph usually tells about one topic. Often one sentence is the sentence. It tells the topic and the main idea of the paragraph. It sums up the ideas of the other sentences, which give detail about the main idea. Baca Selengkapnya..

Oleh: evinovi | Desember 4, 2009


Kawan atau Lawan?

Coba sebut barang plastik apa yang ada di dapur. Kemungkinan besar lebih dari satu. Memang, semakin banyak saja orang yang memakai gelas, piring, mangkuk, sendok, centong nasi, baskom, tudung saji, baki, bakul nasi, rantang, hing-ga talenan, dalam versi?plastik. Malah banyak juga ibu-ibu yang mulai sering memakai plastik lemas untuk pembungkus makanan seperti yang digunakan di pasar swalayan. Baca Selengkapnya..

Oleh: evinovi | Oktober 14, 2009

Understanding Writing


As we know that a paragraph must have a topic and a controlling idea, and a number of supporting sentences. We have to remember that a paragraph should be unified. Another element that a paragraph must possess is coherence. In other words, a paragraph must be coherent; that is, it must contain sentences that are logically arranged. Baca Selengkapnya..

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